Enterprise Green Communities
at a Glance
- Enterprise Green Communities certification is attainable for projects that include affordable dwelling units, including new construction, major renovation, and moderate rehabilitation projects.
- Enterprise Green Communities certification requires ENERGY STAR certification for new construction and major renovations and requires moderate rehabilitation projects to achieve a target Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Index of 80.
- Enterprise Green Communities certification includes strategies for building toward zero emissions, focusing on the residents' health, water efficiency, and resilience requirements.

Enterprise Green Communities (EGC) Certification
Enterprise Green Communities is the only green building program designed for affordable housing. Many states and cities in the United States require or encourage developers to certify with EGC when seeking affordable housing funding.
The 2020 Enterprise Green Communities Criteria is the latest Enterprise Green Communities program version. Developers who achieve the 2020 Criteria are certified under both the EGC and the WELL Building Standard, a performance-based system measuring the building's impact on human health and wellbeing.
Steps to Achieving EGC Certification
- Determine materials and equipment needed to achieve the criteria for economic, health, and environmental benefits
- Include all mandatory requirements in design. Submit a pre-build application before construction begins
- Perform inspections during construction to verify requirements and specifications
- Submit post-build application within 60 days of construction completion to process the certification
Benefits of EGC Certification
Reduce energy usage and
utility bills
Improve indoor comfort and health for occupants
Minimize environmental impact and carbon footprint
Obtain zoning and
redevelopment approvals
Earn government and utility company incentives
Qualify for preferential loan financing for multifamily buildings
How ReVireo Can Help
ReVireo is an Enterprise Green Communities Technical Assistance Provider. ReVireo assists design, development, and construction professionals in achieving Enterprise Green Communities certification for projects of all types.